
6/12(Thu) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!

Thank you for your participation!! kao05
It was pouring rain outside just before we started the Otasuketai activity yesterday! Luckily the rain cleared up quickly and we started to walk toward Minamiza Kabuki theater.
外は土砂降りでしたがラッキーにもすぐ止んでくれたので活動開始!出来ました☆ 集合場所の南座へ向かう途中に

6/12(Thu) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!

6/12(Thu) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!

On the way to the theater, we met a couple looking at a map on their smartphones.
"Hello!! Where are you trying to go? Do you need a help?"
"Yes! We want to go to Khaosan Kyoto Guest House." Otasuketai members tried to find the location of the hostel using their smartphones. It was so kind of them! We were not familiar with the guest house, so it took time for us to find its location.
This hostel is really reasonable to stay! I was surprised at the prices! There are special sale prices in early summer.
The only problem they had so far was that her backpack was missing at the airport on their way to Japan.
Other than that, they have been enjoying their travel. One of the Otasuketai members told them his favorite Ramen noodle shop called Gogyo. They were pleased to get the information!
Welcome to Japan from Aukland, New Zealand!
どちら行かれますか? カオサン京都ゲストハウスという宿を探されていました。 その宿に詳しくなかったので
少し時間を頂きましたが生徒さんたちが一生懸命調べてくださりお助けすることが出来ました。このゲストハウス安い!ですね。 ウエブでみてみると一人1700円という初夏のセールがありました!


6/12(Thu) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!

We a Belgian family living in London now.
The daughter really likes matcha and we told her to go to Tsujiri. She looked very excited!!
What kind of Japanese food do you like? Tonkatsu, soba noodles, and of course matcha!

6/12(Thu) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!

We met two Australian travelers resting the entrance of Gion-Kobu-Kaburenjou.
They were very cheerful and happy to talk with us. Actually we talked with them more than 10 or 15 minutes maybe longer!
They were very happy about being able to see Mt. Fuji cearly from the hotel they stayed at.
They even showed us pictures of beautiful Mt.Fuji and Japanese beer they tried. Miso soup was really strong for her, but they enjoyed most of Japanese food. They told us "We fit in Japan and definately want to come back in April for cherry blossoms."
It was her dream to see Kabuki at Kyoto Minamiza. The play lasted 2 and a half hours without English audio guides. They had an ida of story because they studied about the play before watching it. WOW!

6/12(Thu) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!

6/12(Thu) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!

Last we met a young couple from Taiwan in Kenjinji. They told us that they wanted to go to Arashiyama.
Is it a good place? They asked us and we said absolutely! 
We recommended them a banboo forest, Tenryuji, Sagano Scenic Railway, and Monkey park Iwatayama.
最後にお会いしたのは建仁寺で若い台湾人のカップルでした。 夕食を食べにレストランを探しておられ、
それから嵐山は行きたいけどいい所か?と聞かれ 竹林や、嵯峨のトロッコ列車、モンキーパーク、天竜寺など

雨が降った後外はとても涼しくて 心地いいトワイライトお助け隊 となりました。
Good job!!!!
ありがとうございました! 積極的にお話くださいましたね。。次回もぜひ!

27日(金)京都お助け隊 10時 京都タワー1F 入り口前集合です!!

Thank you!!

2015年 夏の外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!
12/18(Thu)外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!
12/23(Tue) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!
9/27(Sat)外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告!
 2015年 夏の外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告! (2015-10-04 00:55)
 3/28(Sat)外国人お助け隊ご報告!(バスで観光地を訪れました) (2015-04-07 00:28)
 12/18(Thu)外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告! (2015-02-02 16:42)
 12/23(Tue) 外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告! (2015-01-09 10:24)
 9/27(Sat)外国人観光客お助け隊 ご報告! (2015-01-01 00:12)
